National Anti-Racism in Medicine (NAMCC) Scholars Program

Program description: The NAMCC Scholars program is a one-year longitudinal program designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in anti-racism education in medicine. The program is led by the co-chairs of NAMCC: J. Corey Williams, MD, MA, Ashley Walker, MD, and Rachele Yadon, MD. The NAMCC is currently sponsored by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (ABPN).



By the end of the program, each scholar will:

  • Understand the foundational principles of medical curriculum development

  • Apply foundational principles of curriculum development to anti-racism in medical education

  • Be effective collaborators in medical education research

  • Develop as a leader in anti-racism education in medicine

  • Become informed consumers of the medical education research literature on anti-racism topics

  • Understand the current challenges with implementing an anti-racism curriculum in academic medicine

  • Gain critical skills for advocacy to advance anti-racism education in medicine


Each scholar will be awarded a $1,000 professional development fund for education and training-related expenses including books, courses, conference fees, travel, software, etc.

Program requirements:

The course requires each participant to complete a hypothesis-driven scholarly project by the end of the program. The initial months of the program are focused on developing your project topic and intervention. Other program requirements:

  • Meet with NAMCC co-chairs monthly to discuss self-directed materials and capstone project

  • Complete monthly self-directed learning resources (e.g., journal club articles, videos, podcasts)

  • Present a works-in-progress (WIP) presentation for the NAMCC Community of Practice

  • Meet with a specific project mentor on at least a quarterly basis

Examples of capstone projects:

  • Facilitate a learning community session within Georgetown faculty

  • Develop an online interactive self-paced module to be published on the NAMCC website

  • Develop a MedEd portal submission (i.e. AAMC Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources)

  • Design a NAMCC pilot course for internal members

  • Submit a conference poster, workshop, or clinical case for an established academic conference

NAMCC scholars self-directed learning:

Foundations of curriculum development:

Kern, D. E. (2016). A six-step approach to curriculum development. Curriculum development for medical education, 3, 5-9.

Schreurs, J. (2006, October). EFQM and Kirkpatrick in a Framework for Evaluation of E-learning. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 1780-1785). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).


Foundations of anti-racism in medicine:

Ibrahim, Z., Brown, C., Crow, B., Roumimper, H., & Kureshi, S. (2022). The Propagation of Race and Racial Differences as Biological in Preclinical Education. Medical Science Educator, 1-11.

Amutah C, Greenidge K, Mante A, Munyikwa M, Surya SL, Higginbotham E, Jones DS, Lavizzo-Mourey R, Roberts D, Tsai J, Aysola J. Misrepresenting race—the role of medical schools in propagating physician bias. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021 Mar 4;384(9):872-8.


Foundations of advocacy:

Jordan A, Shim RS, Rodriguez CI, Bath E, Alves-Bradford JM, Eyler L, Trinh NH, Hansen H, Mangurian C. Psychiatry diversity leadership in academic medicine: guidelines for success. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 Mar 1;178(3):224-8.

Moten, F., & Harney, S. (2004). The university and the undercommons: Seven theses. Social Text, 22(2), 101-115.